La Oculta Senda. Aforística de Celeste Afrodita, nace de una obra mayor que la contiene, “La Intención Agrícola”, extenso poema de interpretación lírica tanto del territorio abarcable y patente como del Cosmos en su infinitud. Del núcleo mismo de este poemario se desgranan los aforismos que tenemos ante nosotros, breves máximas en que palpita la invitación a trasponer “el umbral de lo oculto” y dejar que la mirada busque un “Allí” porque en la profundidad de ese mirar se juega una experiencia de lo real que nos exige dejar de ser “gente que no ve lo que está mirando” como advertía el poeta hindú Kabir, o, en palabras esta vez de Antonio Machado, gente de “ojos hartos de mirar sin ver”. Muy al contrario, la propuesta que nos llega en la voz de la cabra, la culebra, el agua, la luna, el milano o el perfume nos demanda una mirada que vea y un oír que escuche la sabiduría íntima, antigua y oculta del Jardín.
The Hidden Path. Aphoristica by Celeste Afrodita, is born from a larger work that contains it, “The Intention of Becoming”, an extensive poem with a lyrical interpretation of both the encompassing and patent territory and the Cosmos in its infiniteness. From the very core of this collection of poems the aphorisms that we have before us are shelled, brief maxims in which the invitation to cross “the threshold of the hidden” throbs and let the gaze search for a “There” because in the depth of that look it is played an experience of the real that requires us to stop being “people who do not see what you are looking at” as the Hindu poet Kabir warned, or, in the words of Antonio Machado this time, people with “tired eyes that look without seeing”. Quite the contrary, the proposal that comes to us in the goat’s voice, the snake, the water, the moon, the white-tailed kit or the perfume demands from us a look that sees and a hearing that listens to the intimate, ancient and hidden wisdom of the Garden.
Celeste Afrodita tiene setenta y un años. Profesor de música. Artista plástico: pintor, escultor, muralista, ceramista, con exposiciones en Europa y en Norteamérica. Actualmente es conferenciante y lector de su extensa obra, La Intención Agrícola.
Celeste Afrodita is seventy-one years old, a music teacher, a multidisciplinary artist: painter, sculptor, muralist, ceramist, he has exhibited his work in Europe and North America. He is currently a speaker and a reader of his wide body of work, The Intention of Becoming.
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